Week Three: God Blesses Abraham (Cc)
Welcome to week three of Little Hands to Heaven! Here are some of the highlights and favorite moments from our week!
Much to my surprise, we're still enjoying the fingerplay activity. This week it's all about the letter C and Abraham.
We made our number 3 page to add to our number book.
We read about Abraham and Lot,
then acted out the story.
Some All About Reading activities with the letter H
We don't do a ton of structured math around here. Just lots of play!
This week the boys got to drive their cars on the large letter C.
In Bible, we learned that God promised Abraham a son and that he would have more children than stars in the sky. The craft below reflects this Bible story. This craft is a little different from what was in the lesson plans, but I liked how the boys were able to get a little fine motor skills practice in by peeling off their own stickers.
Here is Mason acting out the above story!
In week three we had our first official "school in pajamas day". Ha! In Bible, we read about the three men that visited Abraham and then pretended to have our own three guests. The boys were so excited to choose which "friends" they were doing to act out the story with. The boys had to get the right amount of plates, bowls, utensils, and napkins for their guests. We practiced being gracious and having good manners.
Some of the seat work for the the day. Mason's still working on counting by two's
and finding the Cc in the Hide and Seek fingerplay. As you can see, Maxden just enjoys finding alllll the letters. I help him find the C's, then he ends up dotting the rest of the letters.
This week we made our fun letter of the week craft...and boy, we're on a roll. PJ's and shirtless all in the same week! ;) No dress code at our school!

That's a wrap!
Much to my surprise, we're still enjoying the fingerplay activity. This week it's all about the letter C and Abraham.
We made our number 3 page to add to our number book.
We read about Abraham and Lot,
then acted out the story.
Some All About Reading activities with the letter H
We don't do a ton of structured math around here. Just lots of play!
This week the boys got to drive their cars on the large letter C.
In Bible, we learned that God promised Abraham a son and that he would have more children than stars in the sky. The craft below reflects this Bible story. This craft is a little different from what was in the lesson plans, but I liked how the boys were able to get a little fine motor skills practice in by peeling off their own stickers.
Here is Mason acting out the above story!
In week three we had our first official "school in pajamas day". Ha! In Bible, we read about the three men that visited Abraham and then pretended to have our own three guests. The boys were so excited to choose which "friends" they were doing to act out the story with. The boys had to get the right amount of plates, bowls, utensils, and napkins for their guests. We practiced being gracious and having good manners.
Some of the seat work for the the day. Mason's still working on counting by two's
and finding the Cc in the Hide and Seek fingerplay. As you can see, Maxden just enjoys finding alllll the letters. I help him find the C's, then he ends up dotting the rest of the letters.
This week we made our fun letter of the week craft...and boy, we're on a roll. PJ's and shirtless all in the same week! ;) No dress code at our school!
On day 5, the boys had to go collect some of their favorite toys along with the Bible. I had the boys hug their toys (you can see Mason picked his two Hot Wheels cars), and say "I love you more than anything". Then they had to pick their Bible up and say, "I love you more than anything."
We were able to discuss which attitude pleases God more. Love for our earthly possessions, or a deep love for him and his word. Then, we talked about how we can show God that we love him. Mason said, "We can talk to God and tell him we love him when we pray and when we read our Bible."
I am so thankful I decided to use Heart of Dakota this year. I love how every single thing we do points to God. For our family, that's the most important thing we can learn!
We finished the week by looking at some baby pictures of the boys and talking about how they have grown up, just like Abraham's son, Isaac. They loved seeing how cute and tiny they were as babies!

That's a wrap!
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