Thursday, August 4, 2016

August. The month we've been waiting for!

It's been a long time since we've had official "movement" in our case. Our last big approval was January 20th when we got word that we received NOC (No Objection Certificate).

Today is a special day. A day we have waited over FIVE months for. A day when our family coordinator called with some of the best news we've heard in a LONG time.

"You have a court date THIS month!!"

When I heard her speak those words, my heart was racing, my hands were shaking, and tears were flowing.

Finally. One major step toward bringing our little sweet P home!!

If all goes well, our case will be heard in court on August 31st. Nothing about adoption is predictable, even a specific court date. There are so many ways that this could play out. Obviously, we are praying that everyone needed shows up on August 31st and the judge gives us verbal approval that same day so we can pass court. This is pretty rare, but it has happened before. The more common scenario usually has a few court dates. However, at this point, we're just excited to actually have a date. Please continue to pray for the remainder of our process and now, specifically for court!

Here's what we have left in our process:

Pass court (verbal orders)
Written Orders
Orphanage applies for P's passport.
Orphanage receives P's passport. 
Get on a plane!

We're getting closer sweet girl!! 

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