Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Trying to wait well.

A little over a month ago, our home study was uploaded to the C*RINGS database for the Ind*an government to approve. We were told this can take anywhere from 1-2 months for the approval.

During that first month I would wake up each morning with such joy and excitement:

"Today I am one day closer to my little girl." 

It really is such a wonderful feeling to know that we are getting closer to being approved by Ind*a so we can be matched!

That whole first month, I obviously did not expect to hear anything. I went about daily life as usual, feeling all patient and excited.

Now, here we are going on 6 weeks into the wait, (which is NOTHING in adoption timelines) and if I'm being quite honest, I feel the impatience sneaking in. Every email notification I hear on my phone, or every time my phone rings, I immediately get that nervous/excited feeling thinking, "This could be our family coordinator calling with good news of our approval!"

Today, I found out that our home study is still under review but since we're still in the 1-2 month time frame, there is no cause for concern. So, we just need to wait and be patient.

Waiting and patience will probably be the most highly used words in this entire blog. The crazy part is, the waiting will only get harder. Right now, our wait doesn't have a face attached to it. Soon (hopefully), it will.

I read a blog post the other day about waiting during adoption and one quote really stuck with me,

"Wait well, friends who wait in whatever stage you’re in. It’s not easy in any stage to wait but the journey of adoption is about the whole process, not just the destination. It is ever changing and growth is constant even if we can’t see it with out eyes."

Then today, my sweet friend reminded me, 

"God's perfect timing is what you are really waiting on. A later approval might be the perfect set up for bringing Maya to you..."

Such truths, such wonderful reminders.

Who am I to doubt God's sovereignty?

I know that He is working while I am waiting. Today I will rest in that fact. Then tomorrow, I will remind myself again, and again.

Because after all, this journey is all about waiting and patience. 

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