Saturday, February 21, 2015

The week of updates!

What a wonderful week this has been for our family! 

A year ago I was signing a different tune. A year ago today, I was laying in a hospital bed getting ready to have a D&C when my doctor shared bad news about my high hcg levels which indicated a molar pregnancy. I shared a little about my miscarriage in a previous post if you missed it!

Each day I am  reminded of how much God has provided and has been there for me through my trials and my triumphs. As I look back on my year full of loss, sadness, fear, doctors appointments, and weekly methotrexate injections, I can't help but thank God for those experiences. 

They shaped me. They strengthened me. They led me here.

This week has been amazing. God has shown his faithfulness!

Mason started soccer on Tuesday which is something he has been looking forward to since we signed him up around Christmas time. He did great at his first practice and had a ton of fun meeting new friends and learning new skills! He's so excited for his next practice.

That same night we got an email from our social worker that we were officially certified to adopt! You guys, that news made our night! We had been waiting SO long to finally be finished with our home study so we could move forward with our adoption process.

God didn't stop with the news there! On Friday evening, we got an email from our family coordinator that just completely caught me off-guard. You see, we struggled to get to this point and it took MUCH longer than we had anticipated. Honestly, I was kind of expecting to have to deal with some of the same issues again due to some changes with our agency, but I feel like God provided us with reassurance that he has his hand in this process when we received her email.

The subject line made me giddy: Home study registered on C*RINGS!

As of right now, we are officially waiting for Ind*a to approve our home study. We were told this can take about 2 months. Once we have approval, we will be able to be matched! Yes, matched. Like, finally get to see a picture of our little girl and learn more about her! This is the stuff of my dreams! We are so thankful that God is paving a path to our daughter and we are so excited to see her precious face! 

In the meantime, we have some specific prayer requests:
  • That our home study would be reviewed and approved in a quick and efficient manner
  • That we could tackle the next portion of paperwork easily and be granted approval (I-800A)
  • That we would have a quick referral process 
We truly believe in the power of prayer and appreciate each an everyone one of you for joining in on our journey!

Until next time!

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